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Cold Chain ASIA
source: Henbin RefrigerationRelease time:Feb 10,2018
Cold Chain Asia is a valuable and extensive exchange platform jointly built by Hannover exhibition company of Germany, Hannover Milan Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and China Refrigeration network. Up to now, Cold Chain ASIA has attracted famous enterprises such as ice bear, Denso, Carrier, Quik-cool, Swisslog, Ingersoll Rand, DUN'AN cochain, Hanzhong precision machine, leading cold chain, Lin De, today's international, Sinotrans pfibersta, SAIC Maxus, BAIC Foton to participate in it.
Essential information
Asia International cold chain equipment and Technology Exhibition
Date: October 23-26, 2019
Exhibition date opening time
09:00-17:00, October 23-25, 2019
09:00 - 14:00, October 26, 2019